понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

‘For the kids’To the ZBTHS teachers: Don’t you dare say possibly striking ... - The News Sun - Waukegan (IL)

'For the kids'

To the ZBTHS teachers: Don't you dare say possibly striking is "for the kids" when all it's over is money and health insurance. As unemployed taxpayers, we would love to have a pay schedule in which we were guaranteed raises every year. Give it up. We're not listening!

Problem solved

I've got a great idea. Why don't we make everybody's trick-or-treat on Oct. 31. That would solve everybody's problem.

Strangler shoulder

I'm stuck at the Millburn Strangler again. Why doesn't The News-Sun look this over and actually write a nice big story on it? Why can't the state, village and county get together and have a paved shoulder there and let the people use it? Don't let them give that excuse that the emergency vehicles can't get around. They can't get around now. A shoulder would alleviate half the problem right now because they're not going to start this project for a few years anyway. Let's get this done.

The same day

We don't need to have trick-or-treat two days in a row so other towns can come to your town that don't even live here and get more candy. These kids don't need all that candy. We're in a recession right now and we don't have the money. They need to make trick-or-treat for all communities on the same day so everybody stays in their own town and trick or treats.

Common Sense Cain

What is the problem with all you people who don't look at Herman Cain as a genuine very good man? It's true he doesn't have political experience and that's what we want. We want somebody with common sense and business sense. He's a black conservative and what's wrong with that? He has gone from nothing and did very well with his wife, family and career. So what if somebody accuses him of sexual harassment? Did he rape or hurt anybody? No, he said a few words. Get over it. Let's get together and elect somebody who actually wants to do something for this country and make some moves.


To the person complaining about their taxes being used to support the post office. That's what the stamps are for. The post office is self sufficient.

Speed cameras

In regard to the Wednesday editorial about the speed cameras in Chicago for safety instead of revenue. If it was just for safety instead of revenue, then why not give the money to the schools that were affected? That would help the schools as well. Then you could make the fines $50 instead of $100 if it's not for money.

Pay and benefits

I've been a union worker my whole life and when the supervisors and superintendents want to come down to my level of pay and benefits, then we'll start talking. While those guys are still making their $100,000 salaries and their great big benefit packages, why should the working man give anything up?

Kirk's office

I know a way that Sen. Mark Kirk could create jobs. He could hire some people to work in his Washington, D.C., office. I've called his office about a half dozen times and every time I talk to an answering machine. Once again we have the "jobs bill" up for a vote in the Senate and I'm quite sure Sen. Kirk is going to filibusterer it like he did last time. I am just hoping against hope that once in his life he will put his country in front of his party. It is time for us to gather together as Americans.

Health care

All those individuals in favor of the health-care bill obviously have no idea what's in House Resolution 3200. Educate yourself and see how quickly you change your mind.

National motto

"In God We Trust" became the national motto by act of Congress in 1956. In 2002, "In God We Trust" was reaffirmed as the national motto by an act of Congress. So why did the Republicans in the House of Representative just vote that "In God We Trust" is still our national motto? I guess that we need to pray to God to pass jobs legislation because the Republicans will never let that happen.

Junk mail

Has anyone noticed a war going on out there to receive our cable service? We're bombarded with TV advertisements and junk mail. Guess who's paying for it?

Deep thoughts

Today we have government union-busting, big investment companies getting into investors' funds illegally, all the money we owe to foreign countries, name changes either from America to Amexica or America to 50 States of Foreign Nations. Think about it.

Six days

I don't want my taxes going to the post office, either. But as far as them having delivery for three days and three days for pickup at the office, what about the people that don't have cars and can't walk down to the post office and have no way of getting there unless it's delivered to them for six days? I'm one of those people and I can't get out because I don't have a car. I need my mail six days a week so I know what checks or bills I have coming in. I don't believe in that policy, but there must be some other way of stopping all of this spending for no reason.

Little camp fire

Regarding the comment "Bonfires, leaf burning" in TOTC. This person says that there's no difference in bonfires and leaf burning. What they fail to understand is that with leaf burning you have a greater majority of people within the same period of time all burning leaves at the same time so you have more smoke compared to one person who has one little camp fire. That's something you may want to consider.

The 1890s

The Republicans are trying to take the country back to the 1890s.

COSLA members

Were there other members in the Waukegan community who worked with COSLA besides Roxanne Swanson and Jane Vester?

Border crossing

I find it very interesting that two of the Zion teachers picketing live in Wisconsin. They receive Illinois money for teaching, but spend it in Wisconsin. This is not right.

Link card research

I did some research on the Illinois Link card. In 2010, almost $500 million was spent on this program, $120 million of taxpayers' money was spent outside the state of Illinois, 75 percent of which was spent in bordering states, and 44 percent was spent in Hawaii. What's wrong with this program? Instead of going after firemen, teachers and policemen pensions, how about revamping this program and looking into the millions of dollars of fraud of taxpayers' money that is spent on this program. Get with it, state legislators.

Fact Box: Handicapped parkingI'm disabled and I park in handicapped parking, but I can't park there because there are cars already in that spot that have no handicapped sticker. There are young teenagers driving their parents' cars who park and put the handicapped sticker in the window when they're not handicapped at all. When you tell them they cannot park there, they cuss you out. They need to give the right to the citizens to go out and write tickets for these people. It needs to be done because people are taking advantage of the handicapped situation. I think the police need to be involved.